Weblinks and Resources

This is a collection of resources I've found from across the web covering a variety of subjects both interesting and personal to me. I hope you find something of use.

Coding Help

W3Schools - free coding help on nearly all major languages such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, etc. Integral in the creation of this site.

CodinGame - Free coding games to help build skills in many major programming languages.

Learn OpenGL - OpenGL is freeware that can be utilized for 3D sculpting and video game props and worlds.

Keyframes - CSS assistance to help with adjusting some of the finer details.

CSS-shape - Pre-made CSS shapes to ctr-c/ctrl-v into your stylesheet

CSS Checkbox Library - pre-made CSS checkboxes to ctr-c/ctrl-v into your stylesheet

SadGrl Online - Everyone who is on Neocities knows this page, many of us started here when making our accounts. Highly reccommend, some amazing content can be found here.

HTML Cheat Sheet - One reference made by SadGrl, HTML cheat sheet to work off of for when you need a quick reminder

Web Badges World - If you like web badges, this is a very large repository of them.

Interactive HTML Cheat Sheet - HTML cheat sheet with interactive components. Also provides cheat sheets for other major languages.

Oudkee's Tutorials - A small page of tutorials on some neat visual and sound effects

Art References

Pexels - Free use stock photos, gifs, and videos

Film Grab - Screenshots from hundreds of scenes from hundreds of different major motion pictures.

Coolors co - Color pallet generator. Great for character and web design

Animation Screencaps - Screenshots of many animated films.

Pose Maniacs - 3D models of the musculator system in various poses

PixelSquid - 3D object turnarounds of over thousands of different sculpts

Texture Fabrik - Free use graphics and textures

Jookpubstock - Free use stock images of various different poses and perspectives

Draw a Box - Learn how to draw. Lessons, tutorials, and tips on various subjects to help you get started

Scholarly Resources

Arxiv - Free scholarly articles and textbooks covering many STEM topics such as computer science, biology, astrophysics, and more.











Misc. Cool Sites




